You’ve probably heard, that the inflation kits (spray cans) as means of fixing a flat often do not work. So if you don’t bring a spare wheel with you, you might want to get something for quick and easy repair of the flat tyre.
This tiny but powerful and high quality kit from Japan can help you fix a hole up to 6 mm in diameter without the need for separating the tyre from the rim. Even on the side of the road and in a similar way, that your tyre shop would do it. Kit works by inserting tough nylon fiber plug and uncured rubber into the puncture hole creating a more permanent fix than an inflation kit. It’s suitable for most radial tubeless car and bike tyres.
How to fix the tyre
Remove the cause of the puncture. Coat the the provided reamer thoroughly with vulcanizing cement and screw it clockwise into the hole. Then, remove it while still screwing it in clockwise direction. Repeat 2 times. Coat the nylon fiber plug with vulcanizing cement and push it into the hole with the provided needle. Take the needle out (the plug will stay inside) and trim the protruding part to 2-3 mm. That’s it! Just inflate the tyre and continue your journey or to the nearest tyre shop.
You should only repair punctures on the thread part of the tyre. It is recommended to let a proper tyre shop check if the fix was done right as soon as possible.
Kit includes:
1x T-handle reamer tool
1x T-handle plug inserting needle tool
2x 8 ml vulcanizing cement tubes
5x 100 mm nylon fiber plugs
Made in Japan.
Shipping world-wide.
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